"'Tis healthy to be sick sometimes."
-Henry David Thoreau
Sorry Thoreau, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. I hate being sick. When I was younger, I wanted to be sick so I could stay home from school (oh how naïve...). Now that I'm older, being sick just means that I'm completely unproductive for days and can't get any work done.
The other day, I felt a cold coming on. One of those "up all night and miserable during the day" types. After running to the drugstore for medicine, I was unfortunately informed that DayQuil doesn't exist here (this is why I miss Duane Reade). Thankfully, my friend was smart enough to have brought some cold medicine from America, and DayQuil was in her repertoire!
Everyday before class, I make a stop at Starbucks to grab some much needed caffeine. Now, I don't drink coffee (yuck), so I opt for a Dirty Chai, which is a chai tea latte with a shot (or two) of espresso. Last week, my dad told me that his Starbucks card, which I have in my possession, is Gold status, which means I get free shots of espresso! Perfect. Anyway, I knew I was feeling sick, so I also grabbed some Naked Green Machine juice, which Starbucks conveniently carries.
Starbucks fail... via Instagram |
Let me tell you, this is the best cure for a cold that I have found. Not any of these three items separately, but together. I swallowed the DayQuil pills, drank my tea, then drank the Green Machine. Oh my goodness, I felt better instantly. Something about the tea and the medicine and the green, all getting mixed up in my stomach, made for the perfect combination.
So, Thoreau, while I do not agree with you, at least now I have a fool proof plan of staying healthy without being sick. And now you do to.
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