Tuesday, August 20, 2013

If You're Curious

"If you're curious, London's an amazing place."
-David Bailey

I go to London really soon.  It's surreal.  I've never been to Europe, and I'm so excited.

I know it'll be a huge change (no more Duane Reade), but it's a big city so I'm hoping it will be just as fast-paced as New York.  But who knows?!  I certainly don't.

For our Welcome Week/Orientation, we are actually, and this is not a joke, being taken to pubs every night.  I know the culture about drinking in Europe is different, but I still think it's funny that NYU is taking us out.

What I'm Looking Forward To:
-being reunited with friends
-spontaneous trips to Paris
-trying to make the Buckingham Palace guards laugh
-going to Stonehenge

What I'm Not Looking Forward To:


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