Monday, August 19, 2013

Three O'Clock in New York

"When it's three o'clock in New York, it's still 1938 in London."
-Bette Midler

In exactly one week, I will be on a plane overseas to London.  I've never been to Europe, and I am SO excited to be going.  I'm flying by myself, so I'll have to share my excitement with a stranger sitting next to me on the plane.  Hopefully it's a cute British guy who thinks I'm adorable for being so excited for my first time to London.  A girl can dream...

Green sweater plus green screen equals...

Anyway, I'm super excited for London, which will be such an adventure, but I am going to miss New York City very much.  I've done so many cool things this summer: meeting Matt Bomer, going to a Daily Show taping, getting a library card, and kissing a horse.  And I've loved every second of it.

Things I'll Miss:
-the High Line
-the 24-hour Duane Reade across the street
-going to Duande Reade at 2:00 AM
-Restaurant Week
-Midnight walks to McDonald's
-Investment bankers in tailored suits
-my doormen
-the Met
-the hustle and bustle

Things I Won't Miss:
-getting hit on by construction workers (ew)
-the subway
-Times Square
-traffic (vehicular and pedestrian)

I'm full of emotions right now, ranging from excitement to fear to anxiety back to excitement.  As much as I can't wait to go to London and start a new adventure, I'm sad to be leaving the greatest city in the world.


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