Monday, August 12, 2013

Somewheres Else

“Best way to live in California is to be from somewheres else.” 
― Cormac McCarthyNo Country for Old Men

Last week, Sidney and I went on vacation to California!  Our first stop was San Diego.  Basically, the San Diego portion of our trip was very focused on food.  Lots of big breakfasts and Mexican food.  It was fantastic.

Me and a manhole cover sized pancake... I ate it all. #fatfam

We went to the beach everyday.  Our friend who we were staying with lives about 100 yards from the beach, so it wasn't hard and was always an available option.  To our satisfaction, Sidney and I got very tan.

This is us trying to be artsy.

On our last day, Sidney, our friend Max, and I went to Petco Park to see the San Diego Padres play the New York Yankees.  Basically, Sidney and I rooted for the Yankees, and Max rooted for the Padres (luckily for him, he caught a free Padres shirt).  The Yankees lost, but Sidney and I had fun roaming around the stadium and lying in the Park at the Park.

Yup, we're seven.
This was only our first stop, and we had the rest of the week left.  Unfortunately for us, we had to leave San Diego, but Los Angeles and San Francisco were waiting for us...


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