Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friendship and Food

"And I pray that one day, everybody in the world will have as much friendship and food as we do." 

It was recently one of my best friends Kat's birthday!  It was a big deal since she's the youngest of the bunch, and we properly celebrated.  One of our best friends Catherine came back from vacationing in Korea yesterday, and of course she made an appearance for the festivities.  It was such a nice reunion of all of us girls in the same place.  We hugged it out for a good three minutes before Catherine divulged her stories about South Korea.

Meanwhile, Kat had decided that she wanted Mexican night for her birthday, so we had a wonderful Make Your Own Burrito station set up on the kitchen counter, as well as homemade guacamole, all prepared by the lovely Annika (the only one of us who can cook).  It was so delicious, and all of us gained about 7 pounds.

Individual Seven Layer Dip (my favorite!)

And then we had cake.  Oh, the cake.  It was delicious.

via Sidney's Instagram

Red velvet and vanilla cream frosting dovetailed into the most delicious cake from Magnolia Bakery, complete with palm trees made out of pure sugar as decorations on the cake.  Oh my goodness, it was heavenly.

But the party wasn't over yet.  Next came the sombrero-shaped piñata.  After contemplating where to hang it (we decided the chandelier over the dinner table was a bad spot), Sidney decided to simply stand on a chair and hold it.  The birthday girl grabbed the wooden spoon (no bats were readily available in our apartment) and struck the piñata until the floor was covered in Pixy Stix, Fun Dip, Pretzel M&Ms, and Sour Patch Kids.

To end the night, we watched Morning Glory.  Rachel McAdams is perfection, although to be honest, it's hard not to imagine her as Regina George.  Regardless, we all gained an extra 7 pounds as we ate all the candy while watching the movie.

It was the perfect night, and I'm glad we all got to enjoy Kat's birthday together.

“And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it;
 and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.” 
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King
via Instagram


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