Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Occasional Comic Misadventure

“Though most tourists accepted the occasional comic misadventure, it was important to them that overall their vacation should be pleasant. When you spend money on a holiday you are essentially purchasing happiness: if you don't enjoy yourself you will feel defrauded.” 
-Alison LurieThe Last Resort

On Saturday night, Sidney, Kat, Alison, and Sidney's friends from London all went to Hot Dub Time Machine.  It's basically a giant dance party while DJ Tom Loud plays all the hits from 1954 until today.  We walked down to the venue, which ended being at a Coney Island-like park-thing in London along the River Thames.

Soon after we got inside, we started to dance.  The DJ was handing out glow sticks, so we equipped our wrists and necks with those and were ready for a good time.  Soon after the start, Sidney jumped and landed on her foot the wrong way.  After trying to walk it off, she realized it was serious and she went outside.

Raging too hard
After icing it, Sidney was still in pain.  We decided to go to the hospital (on a Saturday night), so that was interesting.  The hospital wasn't too close, but it was within walking distance.  Unfortunately, the venue did not have any sort of wheelchair we could use, so we (Kat) carried her halfway there.  The other half was spent by Sidney trying to wobble down the boardwalk.

Foot injury? What foot injury?
Yeah, so,we walked along the South Bank, which is right past all the touristy stuff, like Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.  Even though Sidney really needed to go to the hospital (take note of her wrapped foot in the picture), she let us stop and take pictures.  She was such a good sport about it.

Action shot (note the glow stick necklace)
After we got to the hospital, we waited a while to register.  Then we waited a while to see a doctor in Urgent Care.  Then we waited an eternity for an X-ray which took about 2 seconds to take.  By the time we were all done, Sidney was diagnosed with a fractured foot and it was 2 AM.

First day of school!

Although it was definitely a misadventure, it was still a fun night/weekend.  And Sidney was feeling all better by the time school came around.


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