Sunday, July 7, 2013

Glory and Thrills

"Life is like a carnival ride. You can play it safe and ride the merry-go-round, it's predictable. But, myself personally, I will ride the rollercoaster, for all it's glory and thrills, It's ups and downs, twists and turns, and rushes."

Last night, Sidney and I were having trouble falling asleep.  Neither of us were feeling the least bit tired.  After a quick Google search of what to do in New York City on a Saturday night, we decided to take a trip to Coney Island.

Now, the subway all the way out to Coney Island at 10:30 PM on a Saturday night is more empty than you would think.  Sidney and I got a car all to ourselves, and dancing ensued.  Those poles in the middle of the subway cars?  Yep, just... yeah.  That happened.

When we finally reached Coney Island, the first thing we did was buy tickets for the Wonder Wheel.  We got a swinging cart, which I thought, "oh, that means it will swing slightly as the wheel moves around!"  Nope, a swinging cart means you swing from the outside of the ferris wheel to the inside of the ferris wheel, and back and forth as it moves around, including swinging all the way out past the edge.  It was so scary and I thought I was going to die.  But anyway, it was super fun.

Me on the Wonder Wheel (can't you see the fear in my eyes??)

Next, we went on the Brooklyn Flyer (those little swing around in a circle in the air things) and we also went on the Cyclone.  The Cyclone is Coney Island's main roller coaster; it really is the main attraction. It's just like a regular roller coaster that you would probably find at Six Flags, but much, much older.  You can hear the ride creaking underneath you as you go.  I also thought I was going to die, but obviously my fears were allayed when the ride was over and I was still alive.

Sidney and I on the Cyclone (again, look at how scared I am!!)

After that, we got French fries, a Blue Hawaiian (when we asked what this way, the lady said "It's a blue Pina Colada), and went to the beach.  It was so full of trash so the main struggle was to avoid stepping on any while we made our way to the water.  It was about midnight at this point, so no swimming for us, but we got to see a nice view of the whole carnival.

Sidney and I on the beach with our Blue Hawaiian

We finally got home at 1:30am and passed out.  Going to Coney Island did exactly what we wanted it to do; it made us tired enough so we could go to sleep.


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