Friday, August 16, 2013

A Summer In San Francisco

“The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco” 
-Mark Twain

It's surprisingly chilly in San Francisco in August.  Well, surprising to us, not to the people who lived there.  However, Sidney and I got lucky with a perfect 70 degree day.

Sidney and I loved America's Cup Park so much that we decided to go back.  There was a race going on that day and we wanted to see it!  We instantly became supporters of the Italy team when we discovered that they were sponsored by Prada.  With our newly purchased Prada caps, we sat on the lawn and watched the sailing race between the Italian team and the Swedish team.  And Italy won!!

After the race was over, we saw two guys sit down on the LV stage and do a broadcast.  I wanted to talk to them after their show was over, so we waited around until the end and I got to ask them a few questions.  Tucker Thompson and Andy Green were super nice!  They even took a picture of Sidney and I in their chairs on the stage!  It was super fun.

Love the guy in the back
who photobombed.
Courtesy of Andy Green

The Italian team was doing a poster signing in a different part of the park, so Sidney and I went to get our hats signed.  Basically, we're big sailing fans now.

We ended our day at America's Cup Park with a free concert.  They were hosting a summer series called the "Sounds of San Francisco," so Sid and I sat in the orange furniture on the lawn and enjoyed a local band.

For lunch, we went to Fog Harbor Fish House again since the food was so good the first time.  We didn't have qualms about going to the same restaurant twice in two days.  It was delicious.

When we arrived back at the hotel, we grabbed our luggage and waited in the lobby for our shuttle to the airport.

We were very happy with our entire week in California.  It was such a great adventure.  We also didn't have any problems with any of our flights (no delays on Delta, does that ever happen?) or trains or any mode of transportation.  It was great to visit our friends who we hadn't seen in a few months, too.  And the weather was perfect.  I can't wait to go back, but next time, I'll definitely need longer than 7 days.


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