Monday, August 26, 2013

Viable Alternatives

"Most people are flying to Heathrow because it's a hub, so they can fly on to other places, often long-distance flights. If they can't go on those long-distance flights from Heathrow, they will go to Paris, they will go to Amsterdam, they will go to Frankfurt, because those are viable alternatives."
-Geoff Hoon

TODAY IS THE DAY!  I am so excited.  I still can't believe I'm going to London for a whole year.  So many people have been asking me if I'm excited, and I always say that I am super excited.  However, I'm starting to get tired of that word.

So close I can almost taste it

Synonyms For Excited

I've got my suitcases and bags in the car, complete with my mini-Union Jack.  I also must've made sure I had my passport and visa at least twenty times.  I do not want to be stuck living in Heathrow "Terminal" style.

I'm so eager/enthusiastic/thrilled/wired/ecstatic!!


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