Sunday, September 1, 2013

Around The World

“People around the world were moving from one place to another. No one was staying.” 
-Jonathan Safran FoerExtremely Loud and Incredibly Close

My first week in London had been absolutely amazing.  Once I got off the plane, I was greeted by Sidney running towards me at full speed.  She gave me a great big hug and some flowers!  It was definitely the best coming-off-a-plane experience.  After waiting for Kat and seeing some paparazzi follow Lady Gaga out of the airport, we departed and headed to our new homes.


I just had to... via Instagram
That night, Sidney's family took us out to a German biergarten on the Thames.  We got a platter of bratwurst and sausage (typical German meal).

#fatfam via Sidney's Instagram
We were definitely not expecting this.  It was huge.  I'm pretty sure we still have leftover sausage in the fridge.  Between the five of us, we still managed to eat an impressive amount.

The rest of the week was filled with various NYU Welcome Week events, including a brutal three and a half hour orientation session.  However, one of the fun aspects about being abroad in a country where the legal drinking age is 18 is that most of our events include free food as well as free drinks.

I'm in love with London and it's been less than a week.


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